Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sermon for

I have set you an example that you are to do as I have done to you.
You should do to one another as I have done to you….
if you know this, you are blessed if you do it.

March 24, 2016  *  Holy Trinity & St. Anskar

Why does the Fourth Gospel omit what is most distinctive in the other three accounts -  what happened afterwards,  “as supper was ending”? John does not mention the Bread and Wine, Body and Blood, at all. The Institution of the remembrance we call variously the Holy Eucharist, the Mass, the Divine liturgy, the Lord’s Supper, or the Holy Communion is missing. Or is it?  In place of the Institution, John has the foot washing.  What if John intends us to understand that it signifies the same Reality as the Eucharist: the turning point in history, the beginning of the Kingdom of God, where God’s will is done on earth as in heaven.
John, writing much later, seems to offer a commentary on the other Gospels, which were no-doubt well-known to him. They would have been read in the gatherings that he attended – maybe presided at in Ephesus (according to tradition) – and these gatherings themselves would have been Eucharistic worship, in which the Lord “was known to them in the breaking of bread”.  Furthermore, the structure of John’s Gospel as a Book of Signs leading to the Passion and Resurrection culminates in this foot-washing – the last sign before the beginning of the Passion in Gethsemane - the sign, which shows what the Eucharist means in practical, historical terms.

I have set you an example that you are to do as I have done to you should do to one another as I have done to you….if you know this, you are blessed if you do it.

The worship of the Divine Liturgy is not just the rite of remembrance in Bread and Wine, it is remembrance in the form of mutual love.
    The Pedilavium or foot-washing is a sign in the sense of a symbolic enactment of the New Commandment, that Jesus links to it. Now, only God can give commandments. That Jesus gives a new one is itself a sign of His divinity. At least by the time of John’s writing, Jesus was known to be God-in-the-flesh. What He gave us that night was not the supreme wisdom of a sage or prophet, but a New Commandment.  This Mandatum novum came to be called the Maundy in English which became the name of the liturgical rite of foot-washing, which we also do in remembrance of Him, acting out the New Commandment.

Love one another as I have loved you.

The New Commndment summarizes the Two Great Commandments, which we already call the summary of the law. As John would say elsewhere, whoever loves in this way enters the Kingdom of God, here and now: “whoever loves is born of God and knows God.” That is, whoever loves as Christ loves – sacrificially unto death – enters fully into communion with God. Not only with the beloved whose feet are washed, but with God. So, the Maundy is a sign of Communion, just as the Bread and Wine.
The Maundy is the last sign Jesus gives before His final, victorious battle with Sin and Death. The Mystery of His Body and Blood is its setting. When we show forth that is, when we PARTICIPATE in His death and Resurrection in the Holy Eucharist,  we participate in it personally by receiving Communion. Personal salvation, does not mean individual salvation – it is communal, Communion. And so is the love of the New Commandment – not just love others, but love one another. The reciprocity, implies community. You can’t receive communion by yourself. That is a contradiction in terms.  Holy Communion cannot be separated from the New Commandment. I think that is why the Fourth Gospel put the enactment of the New Commandment in place of the Body and Blood. Both signs point to the same Reality: a New Heaven and a New Earth. Because the Commandment is not only to Love one another, but to love one another as I have loved you. That is, sacrificially unto death.
Not every one of us may be asked to lay down literal life for others, but Jesus nevertheless commands this sacrifice of all of us in a deep, spiritual sense.

Anyone who wishes to be a follower of mine must leave self behind, take up the Cross, and follow Me.

Insofar as we give up our ego to be crucified, we follow Him. We lose our lives in one sense in order to find Life in the ultimate sense. We lose our individual lives I order to find interpersonal Life in the Communion of the Holy Spirit, in which each is the servant of all, in the way that the One by Whom All Things Were Made, reveals by washing our feet.

We Adore You, O Christ, and we Bless You,

Because by Your Holy Cross, You have Redeemed the World

Last Sunday after the Epiphany

Sermon for the Last Sunday 
after the Epiphany
Year C  ~  February 7, 2016

Holy Trinity & St. Anskar

Suddenly they saw two men, Moses and Elijah, talking to him. They appeared in glory and were speaking of his Exodus, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.

+In the Name of God, the Holy and Undivided Trinity

This is the second time Peter Has acted like a boob since he defined Orthodox dogma at Cæsaræa Philippi. As soon as he offered advice, he got a rebuke – again. The vision was withdrawn, and the Apostles went from clarity of vision back to the level of consciousness that can only hear and obey.
But Peter wasn’t entirely a boob. At least, to his credit, he believed his vision, his own sense of reality. He didn’t listen to the skeptical voices cautioning  him: “this is a hallucination, wishful thinking. It can never happen. Better be realistic pragmatic. Don’t be so naïve. Changes like this don’t happen in the real world. Learn to compromise.” At least Peter didn’t give in to that. Sure, what they were seeing was too good to be true, but Peter was willing to believe it anyway. No. He was not entirely a boob and maybe there is a lesson for us in Peter’s response. Believing something too good to be true was not his mistake.
Peter still got it wrong, though. He misinterpreted what he saw. He believed in it, alright, but he didn’t really get it. Neither do we, most of the time. What do we call this strange event? The Transfiguration. By giving it that name, we suggest that the important thing about it was what the Apostles saw, that the main thing was the human vision of the Uncreated Light, the Glory of God in the Face of the Incarnate Son. That is probably what Peter thought it was all about, too, and that was his mistake. He wanted to stay there, put up some tents, and enjoy the vision. We may err in the same way by calling it the Transfiguration and not the New Exodus.
Why would we call it that? Because that was the topic of discussion in the Council of the Transfigured Ones that the Apostles witnessed. That conversation was the main thing, not the Apostles’ vision. Our translation says they talked about the “departure” Jesus was to accomplish in Jerusalem. And so we diminish its significance, because the Greek word is exodos, the name the Greek version of the Old Testament gives the Second Book of Moses the name we still use. Exodus: something a great deal more important than an ordinary departure. The Glory of the Uncreated Light was the same Glory Moses saw on Sinai in the Fist Exodus, the same Glory that received Elijah in a Chariot of Fire.
The point is that the Glory of God transforms creation and history. The Greek word we translate as transfiguration is metamorphosis – transformation.  Transfiguration means the whole process of transforming this world into the Kingdom of God. Moses and Elijah, representing the Law and the Prophets, are collaborators in that process, which was about to culminate on another, even holier mountain called Calvary. Creation is mysteriously disfigured. The Glory of God is about to erase that disfigurement.
What the Apostles see transforms the disfigured creation at every level. It is not accidental that the very first thing that happens when they come down from the Holy Mountain is a personal liberation from demonic disfiguration. It is also really significant that Jesus had already commissioned the Apostles to do this kind of thing. We have a role to play in the historical liberation and transfiguration of creation, even though we aren’t always up to the task, as the Apostles were not, in this case. Nevertheless, our Lord shares His Glory with us, not just for our own spiritual fulfillment, but for the transformation of the world. Not so that we can build three tents and stay there to enjoy it, but so that we can join Him in His liberating work.
Transfiguration of persons, politics, society, the living earth and the whole universe is a process, a journey to Jerusalem, in which we join and contribute along the way. It is a journey – not staying put in rapturous vision –  because the Council we have witnessed in Glory involved human political leaders. Moses defied the Establishment and led a slave revolt. This was impossible, The Red Sea was in the way. But God fought for the slaves and made it possible, once they were willing to hope. Likewise, Elijah denounced the Establishment, publicly reviling the legitimate King, who was, however, in bed with a pagan, who had her own agenda. Elijah reserved his worst vitriol for Jezebel, whose very name has come to mean treachery and wanton cruelty. Elijah’s politics weren’t very realistic. He doubted himself and got depressed, but God didn’t let him down. God sent an Angel to help him get to the mountain where God had met Moses, and spoke to Elijah in “a still, small voice.”
My point is that the figures who appear with the Godman in Glory are not just visionaries, they are political activists and leaders. The odds were against them, because our whole sorry world is like the poor boy flailing around in convulsions and foaming at the mouth and hurting himself. Meanwhile our legitimate, established authorities are in bed with the Jezebel of Big Money, who worships the Baal of Market Economy. But it is Moses and Elijah who appear with Jesus in Glory, to discuss the Exodus He sets out accomplish in Jerusalem.

Peter didn’t entirely get what was going on, but he and the Apostles went along anyway. Will we join them in the journey?



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